Arkangel AI

Arkangel AI

We help organizations detect diseases in seconds to make faster decisions, optimize protocols, decrease cost, and increase care reach.

We do this with Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning.

What do we do for you? We collect medical images and combine them with our algorithms to detect one of the 19 medical pathologies and give you the results in seconds instead of days.

How do we do this? We use a software as a service model to give you full access to Arkangel AI’s cloud to detect diseases in seconds anywhere, anytime and deliver better health outcomes.

Why Us? We optimize for diseases from the global south and medical equipment available in the region, translating into fewer entry barriers to urban and rural settings. Our models are ultra-lightweight but highly accurate, allowing your users to make detections offline. We protect your sensitive data with world-class security and privacy standards like HIPPA, PIPA, PIPEDA, and ARPPIPS, eliminating the risk of information leakage.

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